My mom decided to throw Trent and I a graduation party the day before our graduation. But the real surprise was that my sister Heidi and her family drove in from California! I was so excited to see her I started to cry when I saw her. It was such a surprise! The best surprise ever!
My dad's lovely job decorating the table!
My sister made these yummy cupcakes with graduation caps on them! So cute!
The BIG Day! Started off with a bang! Well more like a push! I arrived early to save seats for my family and of course I got yelled at by so many people because I was saving 25 seats! or 1 1/2 rows! Well this amazingly rude Indian man came in the row and I told him I was saving the seats. He told me that I couldn't save the seats and that they weren't mine to save. I told him I arrived early to save them. He said he would get security to move me. He then proceeded to push me out of the way and sit on the seats. I should have gotten security for him putting his hands on me. I started to cry because he was so rude. The people in front of me stood up for me and then this other lady got up and yelled at the man for me! He final got up and moved. I am not sure what she said to him but she was definitely my hero! Finally my family arrived! Tears printed on my cheeks I could finally take a deep breath!
The ceremony started and was short and sweet! Unlike the human and development ceremony that seemed to go on and on forever!
Trent walking!
Trent Ryan Young
Bachelor's in Science in Accounting, Bachelor's in Science in Finance!
Giddy Smile!
Happy Graduating!
ME taking pictures of my hubby graduating!
My friend Peggy and I walking to our seats!
My friend Peggy and I went through my student teaching program together and then through our masters together! It was so fun to be with her on this big day!
"Natalia Amber Young Master's in Education!"
Yes they pronouced my name wrong!
Check out my hood! That means that I am kind of a big deal!
This gigantic Kinnersley family! Missing Chris and Sydney! Man we are getting big!
My sister and her girls Lily and Caitlynn
Trav's family and Holly's family
My amazing 93 year old Grandma! She has always been such a big supporter and helped pay for some of our college!
My little buddy Kjersti! I can't believe she is in college and will be the next to graduate! 
Heidi and Dave's family! I still can't believe they surprised us and drove from California to be there for us! But really it was a blessing in diguise because it gave Dave a chance to interview with MaKay Dee hospital and get a job offer! I am so excited for them to move here!
My amazing fantastic parents! I don't know what I would do with out them. They encouraged me to keep going and finish my Bachelor's and finally my masters! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
Trent's amazing parents! They are such wonderful in-laws. The have been so supportive. I am so grateful that they raised a son and gave him the encouragement and ambition to continue. THANK YOU!
THE GRADUATES! Natalie with her Master's and Trent with 2 bachelors!
Pretty amazing couple! ha ha
After our graduation we went back to our place an had a BBQ. Both my family and the Young's came over and enjoyed burgers cooked in the dark, playing the Wii and this yummy cake!
Thanks to all of our family for supporting us! You mean the world to us.
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