Today was both a hard day and a GREAT day! I was observed for the second time today by my principal. I was worried that it did not go well at all. She observed me during Power Hour, which is a small group process that kids move through. I have been frustrated with different parts of my power hour time and daily centers. One of my power hour aids is just not watching or taking care of her group. Therefore, I have to stop my lesson to discipline off task students. It is getting old. Today while my principal was observing me, she noticed the same things so now I have her on my side. Not that I didn’t previously but it just felt good to talk to her about it.
I hate being observed because I feel like I am not my best because I try to hard to be my best when someone is watching. I was not nervous before or during the observation. Things went okay. After as the students were leaving to go to recess and my principal was leaving I got extremely nervous that things did not go well. I realized that transitions took to long. Which I have always noticed but it doesn’t bother me too much. Basically, it put me in a bad mood and I was frustrated for the rest of the day.
Well after meeting with my principal after school, I WAS WRONG! She said I did great! We were able to talk about a few things that I was concerned with. (aka centers) She said my transition was forty-five seconds. I wondered if that was a good thing or bad. She said it was fabulous! Needless to say she raised my spirits after a long hard day!