Sunday, February 7, 2010

Kinnersley's Family Vacation 2009


My honey finally made it!!
Trent was bored as we waited for my parents to arrive!!

Everything is made of LEGO'S!!

Hurray for HOLLY!
Hello Lego MAN!!

So Legoland has these weird rules about rides, the child has to be on a certain side, two adults can not ride in the same car (on small any ride.) In my opinion they are worried people.

Best rollo!! It's like Peat's Dragon at Lagoon! Notice where Heidi is sitting!

Notice where Grandpa is sitting! ha ha
Silly Lion!

Hello LEGO Indy!
Grumpy old LEGO man!
My future car! (preferably not out of LEGOs!) This was so cool it was a full size Volvo built on a Volvo frame out of LEGOS!!

Yes We are Cheesy! Romeo and Juliet!
Locked Up!

Love Playing with ANNA!! She is such a sweet heart!

Funny Bathroom signs! Thought we would pose for it!

Ok this was crazy! So its a robot arm in which you pick your level from 1 to 5 (of coarse we picked 5) and it just throws you around! Makes you pretty sick and gives you a head ache but it is pretty amazing!

So so cute!
Locked up by innocent ANNA!
Mommy and Anna trying to get free!!

This slide was so crazy and burned your bumm! Ha ha it sent of sparks! it was funny!
Viva Las LEGO's!

New York New York!!

and on to WASHINGTON!!
Obviously Lego Land was fun! It is incredible the things they created out of LEGOS!
Not somewhere I need to go anywhere in the next few years!
But it was a great experience! I love being with the Family!

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Life in the MAKING! !

Daisypath Christmas tickers